Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jukebox 3000 redux

ok, ok so i don't update this nearly as much as i should although i may start using it for the jukebox thing more often now as it seems like a good way to pass the time, here's the next set of 5...

The Tornadoes and Tyra Hammond

ok, so i've admitted my love of the funk here before, this too good to pass up, heavy heavy kiwi styles.

The Climbers

fun little abstract indie band from london/brighton (ahh dreams of home...), lots of sparkly songwriting goodness

Hooligan Night

electro punk stuff from somewhere in the UK or possible somewhere slightly more nefarious there's a quote on the page from Mr Larry Love himself which just reads;
"You dirty, nasty, bastards"

Frankie Rose and the Outs

What self respecting post about musical bands could possibly not feature one from that hub or sardonic cool, Brooklyn. Here's one that reminds me of a few early nineties shoegazy bands that i always used to like.

Dokkebi Q

ok back to London once more (perhaps i'm a little homesick), this time to the depths of Dalston via korea for some electric dub picnic type things (or something) anyway it's very good and it's named after a rather cute furry thing from Korean folklore cheers!

So that's the selection for now, i will come up with some more soon i promise also as a little sign off and partially because i've become slightly addicted to their music and lyrics lately and because unfortunately they don't fit into the whole less than 4000 friends thing (good on 'em) here's a video of the rather wonderful Mumford and Sons, i must remember to go pick up my tickets for their show in November, bye.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Ok so now for another music post and this time with a slight difference, it's not 'nam there are rules.
The myspace surfing project, now with a restriction of only including bands here that have fewer than 4000 friends (sounds like a lot but it's not as easy as it sounds always), hence the 3000 in the post name. I may or may not include some form of review but i'd kind of like to stay away from those kind of labels, so it's pretty much anything i've found that i like, anyway here goes:

Flogsta Danshall

Nice mellow electro from Stockholm, incidentally i nearly included one of their friends instead just for their name, which is the rather wonderful "Wankers United"

And now as they say, for something very different...

Pat King and his Designated Drivers

Great americana bluesy stuff from New Yoik State

OK, back to fun bands with mildly ridiculous names...

The Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt

Actually i'm not sure how to categorise this, and even less sure if i should even try, it's good though.

Now, I'll freely admit it, i'm a big fan of old soul and (the more traditional type of) R&B, there's also been a ton of revivalist groups coming out over the last few years, and good thing too. I'm not sure if these guys are an old band getting new props or some new kids doing their thing but nonetheless, check them out.

Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens

And lastly, because it's nice to have a spiritually uplifting ending, an African master musician from Senegal.

Kadialy Kouyate


Actually as a quick aside there was one last honourable mention, a band from Argentina who didnt quite make the under 4000 friends cut but who are great and coincidentally are offering their current album as a free download from their website.
check it, easy.

A return

So after apparently forgetting my password and having some trouble resetting said password, oh and generally being part lazy and part busy i seem to have missed a substantial chunk of time in this blog.
Anyway i thought it was time to try to come back to this, did y'all miss me? oh well, nevermind then eh.
Still, here i am again. Now i guess i should think of something interesting to write.....

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Burning bright

So i first remember seeing this a couple of years ago and it's definitely worth sharing, it's by a Brazilian artist called Guilherme Marcondes who's done a load of very cool animations, it's inspired by the William Blake poem "Tyger, Tyger, burning bright"


There are some pieces of Art, be they music, film, literature or something else that seem to be completely in tune with where you are when you first experience them. Some of these experiences fade through time but others have a peculiar resonance that keeps ringing true after a much longer period. There are a number of pieces i feel that way about at the moment and i hope that i'll continue to find more, but for now I'd just like to post about one. It's a book called "Hopscotch" written by an Argentinian called Julio Cortazar and now billed (although it was written in the sixties) as the first hypertext novel due to the fact that it has a number of "expendable chapters" and can be read in a variety of ways. I still remember being utterly hooked by the first few lines, and no matter how many times i go back to it i always seem to find new things that speak to where i am at the time. I'm going to type out the first main paragraph just to remind myself and for anyone else that cares to read it.

YES, but who will cure us of the dull fire, the colourless fire that at nightfall runs along the Rue de la Huchette, emerging from the crumbling doorways, from the little entranceways, of the imageless fire that licks the stones and lies in wait in doorways, how shall we cleanse ourselves of the sweet burning that comes after allied with time and memory, with sticky things that hold us here on this side, and which will burn sweetly in us until we have been left in ashes. How much better, then, to make a pact with cats and mosses, strike up friendship right away with hoarse-voiced concierges, with the pale and suffering creatures who wait in windows and toy with a dry branch. To burn like this without surcease to bear the inner burning coming on like fruits quick ripening, to be the pulse of a bonfire in the thicket of endless stone, walking through the nights of our life, obedient as our blood in its blind circuit.
