Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jukebox 3000 redux

ok, ok so i don't update this nearly as much as i should although i may start using it for the jukebox thing more often now as it seems like a good way to pass the time, here's the next set of 5...

The Tornadoes and Tyra Hammond

ok, so i've admitted my love of the funk here before, this too good to pass up, heavy heavy kiwi styles.

The Climbers

fun little abstract indie band from london/brighton (ahh dreams of home...), lots of sparkly songwriting goodness

Hooligan Night

electro punk stuff from somewhere in the UK or possible somewhere slightly more nefarious there's a quote on the page from Mr Larry Love himself which just reads;
"You dirty, nasty, bastards"

Frankie Rose and the Outs

What self respecting post about musical bands could possibly not feature one from that hub or sardonic cool, Brooklyn. Here's one that reminds me of a few early nineties shoegazy bands that i always used to like.

Dokkebi Q

ok back to London once more (perhaps i'm a little homesick), this time to the depths of Dalston via korea for some electric dub picnic type things (or something) anyway it's very good and it's named after a rather cute furry thing from Korean folklore cheers!

So that's the selection for now, i will come up with some more soon i promise also as a little sign off and partially because i've become slightly addicted to their music and lyrics lately and because unfortunately they don't fit into the whole less than 4000 friends thing (good on 'em) here's a video of the rather wonderful Mumford and Sons, i must remember to go pick up my tickets for their show in November, bye.