Monday, June 29, 2009


Ok so now for another music post and this time with a slight difference, it's not 'nam there are rules.
The myspace surfing project, now with a restriction of only including bands here that have fewer than 4000 friends (sounds like a lot but it's not as easy as it sounds always), hence the 3000 in the post name. I may or may not include some form of review but i'd kind of like to stay away from those kind of labels, so it's pretty much anything i've found that i like, anyway here goes:

Flogsta Danshall

Nice mellow electro from Stockholm, incidentally i nearly included one of their friends instead just for their name, which is the rather wonderful "Wankers United"

And now as they say, for something very different...

Pat King and his Designated Drivers

Great americana bluesy stuff from New Yoik State

OK, back to fun bands with mildly ridiculous names...

The Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt

Actually i'm not sure how to categorise this, and even less sure if i should even try, it's good though.

Now, I'll freely admit it, i'm a big fan of old soul and (the more traditional type of) R&B, there's also been a ton of revivalist groups coming out over the last few years, and good thing too. I'm not sure if these guys are an old band getting new props or some new kids doing their thing but nonetheless, check them out.

Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens

And lastly, because it's nice to have a spiritually uplifting ending, an African master musician from Senegal.

Kadialy Kouyate


Actually as a quick aside there was one last honourable mention, a band from Argentina who didnt quite make the under 4000 friends cut but who are great and coincidentally are offering their current album as a free download from their website.
check it, easy.

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